Student Ministry
Our Student ministry is for ages Birth thru High School. Our Student ministry is a place for youth to grow in their faith as well as a leader. We offer programming on Sunday morning and have at least one special event a month for the youth to participate in. For more information about our Student ministry please contact the church office.

Family Ministry
Our Family Ministry strives to make the two places where a child's life is most impacted, home and church, to become the most positive influences possible. We believe in setting up families for success and equipping parents and grandparents with the tools they need. If you have questions about our Student or Family Ministry please contact the church office.
Good Shepherd Lutheran Chapel Universal Permission Form
Are you going on an outing or attending an event in which your Youth or Child will be left in the capable hands of our awesome volunteers? If so, could you please click the link above, print out and fill out the Permission Form. We would love to be able to share photos of your Youth or Child on our site, as well as be able to contact you. Thank you so much.